
Increase You ROI with Targeted Digital Campaigns

SEO, Google & LinkedIn Ads, Email Campaigns

We created segmented email nurture campaigns for leads VIQ Solutions gathered from various events, resulting in a 25% increase in response and meetings set than the previous year. VIQ Solutions was also interested in better organic search results. Being in a niche industry, VIQ Solutions required longtail keywords to produce better search results. We developed a content and SEO strategy to appear higher in searches. Additionally, we ran digital ads on multiple platforms to generate new leads and increase awareness. Our approach resulted in lower ad spend and higher lead form fills than the previous campaigns.

SEO, Google and LinkedIn Ads, Web Design

DealerSocket had a long history of digital ad campaigns. We took over the management of the campaigns and were able to optimize the ads to create 25% more leads while also cutting the monthly ad spend by 75%. Later, we had a new project to create a new website. We were able to provide a better organized site that enabled us to work on the SEO in this competitive market. They are now on page one results.

Web Design, Email Campaigns, Event Management

A long-time client, Workforce Go! was a start up when we created their first website. We’ve since developed blog content for SEO campaigns, email campaigns, partner and customer newsletters, event management, social media posts, and we manage their website. We have acted as their marketing department, taking care of any needed service.

Web Design

Responsive web design and layout.

A berks website banner

Web Design

Web Design

Responsive Design


Web Copy

Social Media

Corporate social posts writing and calendar management.


For multiple clients, we’ve provided keyword rich blogs enhancing search results while providing information for our clients’ customers and partner.

Press Release

We provide press release content and distribution to create awareness and SEO backlinks.

Social Media

Corporate and non profit social post writing and calendar management.

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